Originally Posted by LeftyRef
I was working the bases at a freshman game this evening. In the bottom of the first inning, there was a banger at first. I called the runner out, much to the dismay of the home crowd, but the inning was over. I began my walk to shallow right field. As I'm walking, I see the home team manager turn to address the spectators sitting behind his bench. He asks the crowd (loudly enough for me to hear in shallow right): "Is there anyone here besides ths umpire who thinks he was out?"
I didn't think this warranted an ejection at the time, but the more I think about it, the more I don't like that he addressed the spectators. The rule that immediately came to mind is OBR 4.06(a): "No manager/player shall incite, or try to incite, by word or sign a demonstration from the spectators." The penalty here is removal from the game.
Did I miss this one in this situation?
Let me respond in this fashion:
I was working a JUCO game in which the third base coach (not the skipper) grabbed a runner who was getting too big of a lead and pushed him back to third just before a pick-off attempt.
I called interference on the coach.
He then turned to the crowd and announced, loudly, "Oh great. What we have here is an umpire who thinks he's more important than the game."
He left the facility seconds later.