Originally Posted by BktBallRef
Would any of you be interested in helping this gentleman better udnerstand the rule? He just doesn't believe me. 
Link to the forum?
Or, you could try posting this:
NFHS 2-36 (Rule)
A rule is one of the groups of regulations which govern the game. A rule sometimes states what a player may do, but if there is no such statement for a given act (such as faking a kick), it is assumed that he may do what is not prohibited. [...]
NFHS 7-5 (Forward pass classification)
Art. 1 ... It is a legal forward pass, if during a scrimmage down and before team possession has changed, a player of A throws the ball with both feet of the passer in or behind the neutral zone when the ball is released. Only one forward pass may be thrown during the down.
Art. 2 ... An illegal forward pass is a foul. The illegal forward passes are:
a. A pass after team possession has changed during the down.
b. A pass from beyond the neutral zone.
c. A pass intentionally thrown into an area not occupied by an eligible offensive receiver.
d. A pass intentionally thrown incomplete to save loss of yardage or to conserve time. [spiking exception]
e. A second or subsequent forward pass thrown during a down.
[more articles follow, not relevant]