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Old Fri May 11, 2007, 11:03am
NC_Blue NC_Blue is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 48
I think we should get ASA to make up a leisure-wear tee-shirt that has "Last Night's Umpire" or "The Other Umpire" on the front. Then whenever we figure out who that guy is, we can give him a tee-shirt.
Last thing I want in my leisure wear is to bring notice to me being an

I got conned into playing for my company team a couple of years ago in the fall league. After 3 or 4 games.....I called my UIC and tld him...

"You know all those times we hear what so-and-so umpire did last week when we're working a game?" "You know.....they're ALL true."

It was a HUGE eye-opener.
The more people I meet.....the more I love my dogs.
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