Originally Posted by KD76
The kid does come set. His move is smooth - no interruption whether he goes home or to the base. Give him credit there. My issues are the set is not in front of the body (and I thought that actually meant in front of the body), and on his move to first, his lead elbow can appear to go home first because he has to bring his hands down and his arms bend. This occurs as he turns toward first in one motuon, but it can apper to the runner that he is moving toward home. Sometimes he is, sometimes he isn't, depending on how he has made the move.
I guess my follow-up then would be more simple: Why do MLB rules say come set in front of the body if a pitcher does not have to come set in front of his body?
1) Having the lead elbow "appear to go to home" is probably not enough to cause a balk. After all, the right hand and shoulder move "toward home" on a pick-off throw, too.
2) Congratulations. You found the one error / misstatement in OBR. They put it in there just to see who was really reading the book. Now that you found it, keep it quiet so we can find out who else reads the book.