Thread: Who scores??
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Old Tue May 08, 2007, 02:57pm
Daryl H. Long Daryl H. Long is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Jerry City, Ohio
Posts: 394
Don't know how many of us read Rule 9 but....

NF 9-1 Exception: A run is not scored if the runner advances to home plate duing action in which the third out is made as follows:
a. by B-R before he touches first base: or
b. by another runner being forced out; or
c. by a preceding runner who is declared out on appeal because he failed to touch one of the bases or left too soon on caught fly ball; or
d. when the third out is declared during a play in which an umpire observed a base-running infraction resulting in a force-out (this out takes precedence if enforcement of it would negate a score; or
e. when there is more than one out declared by the umpire which terminates the half-inning, the defense may select the out which is toits advantage as in 2-20-2. credit the putout to nearest baseman.
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