Originally Posted by tibear
Here's a real strange one, that I thought of with regards to stealing home. If a pitcher is simply standing on his rubber and looking in for signals when the rubber starts running for home.
The pitcher immediately throws home without coming to a stop.
The catcher steps in front of the plate, catches the ball and tags the runner before the runner touches home. The plate umpire would probably call a balk or CI but could a defensive team use 8.05 d) where it states that a pitcher can throw to an unoccupied base(in this case home) while touching his rubber to make a play.
8.05 If there is a runner, or runners, it is a balk when-
(d) The pitcher, while touching his plate, throws, or feints a throw to an unoccupied base, except for the purpose of making a play;
I guess it comes down to whether 8.05 d includes home plate as a base or not.
I've never heard of using this rule in this situation but what do you think??
I agree with Rich Ives on the CI and enforcing OBR 7.07 but that is
after I enforce the balk
especially if there are other runners on base. F1 balked first then F2 committed CI. The pitch was dead the moment it was caught so the runner from 3rd would score anyway.
Hell, I'm going to get them for as much as I can on this one! BWAHAHAHAH!