Originally Posted by DTQ_Blue
Yes, I ruled that the BR interfered (altered the pitcher's approach to the plate). Yes I ruled the runner out. Now what would you do with the batter, who is now a batter-runner because of the uncaught 3rd strike.
I've read all of the posts and there is one thing I'm having a hard time visualizing. Assuming the batter is still in the box, most likely on the foul side of the box - then how did the batter impede the pitcher's approach to the plate coming off the mound? Was the batter a lefty? If so, I can understand and would agree to the INT. If a righty, they would either have to be on home plate or in the opposite batter's box to interfere with the PITCHER'S APPROACH? If you could describe with more detail, it would be helpful, as I am trying to understand the INT.