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Old Sun May 06, 2007, 12:03pm
Old School Old School is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
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Coach and Player Confrontation

Had a interesting situation occur where a problem broke out between coach and player in a 17U boys AAU game. The coach took the player out and was upset with him. While we where shooting F/T's, this confrontation escalated. They begin to scream at each other. Since it was the coach and player I ignored the incident thinking the coach was on top of the situation. My partner administrating the F/T's pointed to me and stated you need to do something about that.

I turn around and the player, now on the end of the bench had to be restrain. He was in tears and he started firing back at the coach. He stood up and said I'm sick of this! Now say something else! The coach turned and sat back down, realizing he probably pushed the kid too far. So the incident kind of settled itself down but at the time, I didn't know what to do? I assume it wasn't the coaches son because no man is going to allow his son to talk to him like that.

My question is, what would you have done? What if this situation escalated even further then it did, instead of the coach backing down, he went the other way? I'm looking for some advise here on how to correctly go about dealing with situations like this because I have never had it happen before in a setting like this. And before we go any further, I'm pro players. I'm always going to be on the players side unless he starts swearing.