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Old Sat May 05, 2007, 05:44am
rbrown rbrown is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
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Posts: 7
What can the player do?

What should the players do when their varsity softball coach doesn't communicate to her players what or why she does what she does? For example,
1) Half way through the season she benches the 1st base player, 2nd string pitcher, and the short stop. She does even use the 2nd string pitcher as batter or courtsey runner when she the second fastest player on the team with a OBP of 50%.
2) When the 1st string catcher missed a few games, she called up the catcher from the JV team without even speaking with 2nd string catcher on the varsity team. Next she decided to keep the JV catcher as a short stop on varsity and benched the varsity short stop without speaking to her. She doesn't even introduce the girl pulled up from the JV team to the other girls when she decided to promote her to varsity half through the season.

Consequently, the effected girls go way feeling angry, unmotivated, and think they are failures. When the girls try to talk to her they generally go away crying because she doesn't take feedback well. Last year the parents got so upset with her inability to communicate with her players they met with the schools athletic director. Nothing came out of the meeting; however, only 4 varsity players returned this year.

So what do the players do when they feel their coach doesn't communicate, doesn't teach, and doesn't motiavate her player? If she was a coach on any other varsity team she probably would can been gone.

Any suggestions for the players who have given up on trying to talk to her?
Now the girls are just playing the games to finish out the season.
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