Actually, defensive coaches are not allowed to be in LBT, notice I said LBT, not "fair" territory, when the ball is live and a play is in progress. Says so right in the rules: 3-3-1a & j. No distinction between fair & foul.
Now, if any of the offensive players reacted to the moron coach's yelling "TIME" as he stepped into fair territory, I think the umpire has a legitimate basis for treating it as Obstruction. But he still shouldn't kill the play until it's over. None of the things in Fed Rule 5 that cause the ball to become dead have happened.
Awarding the R2 (who was thrown out at 3B & probably would have been with or wothout the coach's antics) home is BS, incorrect, and protestable.
I completely agree in regard to the eject.
Finally, be courteous, impartial and firm, and so compel respect from all.