What did the coach do that impeded the runners' progress?
I don't know ASA rules, but in a baseball game, I assume you "judged" that, absent the moron coach's actions, the BR would have obtained 2B and the R3 would have scored. What on earth led you to such a judgement?
Also, why did you call "Time" when the moron coach crossed the foul line? In baseball, that would be in violation of Rule 5.10.
Good call on the eject.
I think the rest of it was really poor officiating and you gave the moron coach (actually, her replacement) valid grounds for a protest. I can't understand why you'd be so generous to such a moron. Heck, might as well just give her a "head butt".
Finally, be courteous, impartial and firm, and so compel respect from all.
Last edited by UmpJM; Thu May 03, 2007 at 10:49pm.