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Old Wed May 02, 2007, 12:31pm
3appleshigh 3appleshigh is offline
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I get your point, however, the scholarship thing is not even a remote possiblity for this league or area, if he might be up for one, these stats would not appear anywhere, in fact he would not play in this league for fear of losing the scholarship based soley on that. Note in canada there are no Athletic scholarships, so his only hope is to a US school and only the rarest of the rare are even scouted for those.

Anger is not difficult to detect, and the losing school is known for extremely poor behaviour, this was getting close, I was telling players to calm down as well. There have been multiple ejections from these teams over the past three years. In fact in the last few years there would have been problems well before this. These two teams are Much improved behaviourwise this year than in previous years, but things were starting to escalate.

Also the anger was at each other not us as officals, I would gladly take the anger if it was transposed to me, that would be a winning situation. Also the Teaching aspect to our roles is understood and condoned. I have also stated that my lecture; Although that was a strong choice of words on my part; was not correct, even the call is debateable in my mind, and I'm heavily leaning toward wrong there as well. The only thing keeping me from wavering is the lack of other options. This game could have easily gone south in a HUGE hurry, this call change that. It will also help in future games when this team doesn't act the same way again. So some GOOD will come out of the Wrong. I would prefer that to the BAD, but I would much prefer A better solution to achieve the same goals.

I still have not heard anything close to a suggestion for the next time. I can accept it was wrong. But what options can you give me for the future.

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