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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 02, 2007, 09:36am
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by mcrowder
I have "stretched" things in a manner like you describe exactly twice. Both similar... the most recent - one team was just KILLING the other and the bad team just couldn't throw strikes at all. 30-something to 2 or 3. The coach, for about 6 batters, was chiding his players if they didn't swing at anything close (meaning head-high and 6 inches outside). After about 6 batters he calls time and comes to me - tells me just to call anything within reach a strike, just to get his kids to swing. And even with "permission", it took me another 4-5 batters before I really did what he asked, and it felt wrong to do it.
I had a similar situation last year - Frosh B game - first my assignor says -frosh B - big strike zone, then when I get to game, coaches kind of reiterate the same saying if not we'll be here until 8:00. It wasn't a blowout game, something like 8-6, but I had one pitch that I called a ball, and the opne coach says -"hey this isn't varsity". The problem is if you expand to meet what they want, they will complain you didn't expand enough or too much
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