Thread: USBL follow-up
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Old Wed Mar 13, 2002, 03:25pm
BBarnaky BBarnaky is offline
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Posts: 131
If you can understand the pro philosophy on certain types of plays, follow that and you'll be fine. I think the person at the camp talking about entertainment (my own assumption here) was talking about plays that are called in lower level games that are different types of plays in the pro game. For example, everybody thinks players in the NBA travel every trip up and down the floor. Granted it is interpreted more liberally, yes; however, on the other hand, the players are agile, quick, very deceptive, and are allowed a 2 step rhythm on plays to the rim. Don't be fooled into calling a travel because "it looks weird." Call the obvious, obvious travels. Don't nit, pick traveling plays. Just one example that came to mind.

As far as the advantage/disadvantage comment goes, read Drake's comments as they are pretty accurate. There use to be "no touch." Now, its speed/balance/quickness/rhythm on perimeter play and drives to the basket. Remember the NBA wants all off ball post plays called very tightly. Don't let players pull, drag, chuck, impede, etc when attempting to cut to and away from the ball. In this area there is no advantage/disadvantage principles. Call the foul here. Just another example that came to mind.
Hope these examples help. If others come to mind I will post them.
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