Originally posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
NCAA Men's is the same as NFHS and you are correct about having a legal guarding position anywhere on the court. NCAA Women's used to be the same as NCAA Men's, but Barb Jacobs (Rules Editor, NCAA Women's) made a very stupid interpretation without knowing what the rule book and casebook said about the matter (what do you expect from someone who never officiated a basketball game in her life). And know I am getting into a Dennis Miller rant, so I will end this posting.
Maybe, just maybe Barb Jacobs made a very informed decision based on what is good for the game. Now, I don't know Ms. Jacobs, but that interpretation is consistent with the way the game gets called at the higher levels.
I know this powder keg has been set off once already, but I doubt that the interpretation was made without any investigation or forethought.
[Edited by stripes on Mar 13th, 2002 at 12:48 PM]
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