Thread: Warm-up Pitches
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Old Mon Apr 30, 2007, 05:03pm
tcannizzo tcannizzo is offline
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Originally Posted by Paddy
We only use the 5 pitches in the first inning and 3 pitches there after and don't time it.
I wouldn't know about that...I only call ASA and NHFS/GHSA.

Originally Posted by Paddy
But my question is how do you time it ?
I don't carry a stopwatch. Do you have a game clock that indicates seconds on the field that tell you that a minute has passed. Like they use at WC for the 20 seconds.
Our clinician instructed us to start the count mentally - I do not use a stopwatch. But I have seen some that do. Just not my style.

I start my mental count when I reach my position on the foul line. Not from the exact moment of the 3rd out, although that would be carrying it out to the letter of the law.

After several months of counting, it becomes a ryhthym that doesn't really need to be counted. I ususally count until the pitcher throws the first pitch. Then take what is left of the 60 seconds and divide by 10 to see how many she is going to get.

It is amazing how many pitchers don't start their first warm up pitch until 35-40 seconds into the count. "That will be 2 pitches, Catch".

Originally Posted by Paddy
And this sounds very strange, first of all you call it at 50 sec. instead of 60.
Second a catcher doesn't need to throw down.
Third don't you need to make sure the batter and you are ready and call Play Ball before you can call the pitcher for not delivering on time ?
The catcher throwing down at 50 gives them 10 seconds to get the ball back to the pitcher and then 10 more seconds for her to deliver the pitch (at 70 seconds)

As the catcher throws down, I call Batter Up.
If the catcher does not choose to throw down, I do not make her. I will tell coaches however, that if they have taken 4 warm-ups and the catcher isn't ready yet, that if they want the catcher to have a throw-down, then they should wait for the catcher to take the pitch. This is the one player that I will wait for and not call a BALL if they weren't ready. Call me inconsistent, but heck, I am partial to catchers...
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