Originally Posted by LIIRISHMAN
THe problem with this is if that ball gets by the pitcher or another fielder you'll be hearing the 3rd base coach telling you that you're preventing his runner from advancing.Imho I wait till the pitcher has that ball in the circle.
I think the whole idea for having the hold the lead runner rule for the coach-pitch league is to familiarize the kids as to where the runners are so they can try to get them out, or stop their advancement, instead of just throwing the ball to the circle or 1st base only as they have been usually doing in T-ball. This better awareness of the runners makes for more action such as tagout attemps or throws to various bases. It was my bad that I failed to mention I was speaking coach-pitch.
This year In our 11u regular season fast-pitch we were told in a pre-season meeting of coaches and umpires that we are going to be using the Look-Back Rule. So far no one has violated it and been called out. If it does happen I expect plenty of fans, players and maybe even a coach or two to ask "WHAT JUST HAPPENED"?
Nothin' like fun at the ole' ball park! ...Al