Batter Interference question
Good Morning,
I had a play yesterday with a double steal of 2nd and 3rd. As the catcher made an attempt to throw to 2nd the batter was not in his way ( he sort of stepped back) but F2 appeared to change his mind then made an attempt to throw to F5 now at this point it was possiable that B3 may have been in the way for a throw to F5 but F2 did not throw the ball. He didn't complain alot but did mention it. Now I said that B3 was not in his way but lets assume he was. Since F2 made an initial attempt to throw to F6 ( it was not a fake attempt he changed his mind as R1 got a late jump) and as B3 moved away from the throw to F6 but moved in a postion that put him in the way for a throw to F5 would this still be interference????
Thanks Mike