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Old Thu Apr 26, 2007, 10:57pm
WayneG WayneG is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 7
Preventive maintenance

Good suggestions but all are after the fact. I've done this several times and found great results. Before the each half of the first inning I make a point to engage in cordial hellos with the catcher. Nothing special, just how you doing this afternnoon type stuff. I tell the catchers, that we are a team behind the plate and we have to work together. I tell them to help me out. They don't like their coach yelling either so we both benefit by keeping the coach off my back. If there are any situations where he or the coach feels I may have made an incorrect ball/stirike call, just keep the game moving and singal the coach where I called the pitch. If I call outside, tell the coach it was outside. All of the catchers I've done this with have helped and the game has run much smoother. Of course I'm sure I'll run into one of those "superstars" that won't want to play along and then I'll have to use one of the previously recommended tactics.
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