Originally Posted by Dakota
Strawman is as strawman does. You started this with the "fascination" charge.
Tom, Tom, Tom.....why is it that you seem offended by that word? There is nothing wrong with being fascinated by something. Fireworks come to mind?
However, the way so many jumped in, it seems that by the definition, my use of the word was quite accurate.
You want to kill the ball when all play has stopped. So, all play has stopped, F6 is standing there with the ball. All runners are stopped on a base. All that remains is to throw the ball back to the pitcher. So, you want to kill the ball then. F6 then overthrows F1. Ball is dead, runners cannot advance. What is the advantage in killing the ball? Easier on the umpire?
Hey, you want to wait until the ball gets back to the pitcher in the vicinity of the PP, that's fine by me. Just like anything else in the game, you can "what if" it to death, you can always find a scenario that doesn't fit the rule.
If you want to compare apples and apples on slow v fast pitch, don't compare men's slowpitch with JO fastpitch.
I was not comparing games. I was demonstrating that the fears of my suggestions affecting the flow of the game are not valid. Nothing would change in the player's or coach's mannerisms if play was suspended. The ONLY difference would be that one umpire wouldn't have to wait for the partner to return to position before s/he could do so.
I believe that, if anything, it could be beneficial to all. The coaches don't have to worry about getting the attention of their pitcher and infielders who are watching the runners. The pitching coach gets the signal to the catcher/pitcher sooner, the base coaches can concentrate on giving the batter her signs which means she is in the box and ready to hit sooner and, yes, the umpires can move back into position and concentrate on what they should be and not whether little Susie falls off a base or does a little groundkeeping around the base. I know Sue Enquist (UCLA) might have had a couple more notches on her belt had my methods been in place in the NCAA a few years back.
What is the pace of the game for a men's fastpitch compared with slowpitch at the same skill classification?
It's been so long since I saw a men's FP game, I couldn't tell you how long they run now. When I was still playing FP in the early 70s, game lasted about 90 minutes.
And why are you the sole arbiter as to what is a "valid" answer to your question?
Because it IS my question

Cliff's question was correct, "Who are three people who have never been in my kitchen!"
Darrell, Darrell, Darrell......tsk, tsk, tsk!