Originally Posted by mcrowder
FC must be accompanied by either an out or an error. No out or error - no FC.
Where did come up with this misinformation? Anytime a fielder tries to put out a runner OTHER than the BR, and everyone is safe, and there is no error, it is a FIELDER'S CHOICE. Unless the official scorer believes the BR would have beaten the throw to 1B.
OBR RULE 2 DEFINITIONS: FIELDER'S CHOICE is the act of a fielder who handles a fair grounder and, instead of throwing to first base to put out the batter runner, throws to another base in an attempt to put out a preceding runner. The term is also used by scorers
a) to account for the advance of the batter runner who takes one or more extra bases when the fielder who handles his safe hit attempts to put out a preceding runner;
(b) to account for the advance of a runner (other than by stolen base or error) while a fielder is attempting to put out another runner; and
(c) to account for the advance of a runner made solely because of the defensive team's indifference (undefended steal).