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Old Mon Mar 11, 2002, 09:47pm
RecRef RecRef is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 521

Yes, you read the title correctly. This past Saturday was a strange one in the rec league.

First there was the JV semifinal. In checking for jewelry etc. I noticed that every kid on one team stank. Seems the team decided not to wash their uniforms after the regular season and through the playoffs for good luck. This was their fourth game. – They lost.

Then there was the team of Howler Monkeys in the 8th grad championship game. Coach yelled at the players, players yelled at each other, parents yelled at their own kids, kids yelled at their parents, and the kids questioned every call. Chief Howler Monkey would yell at his kids after almost every foul, I told you that these guys were going to call that.” - They won by 17.

One more game to go!
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