Wed Apr 25, 2007, 07:01am
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: Mississippi
Posts: 1,772
Originally Posted by GarthB
Varsity game. After a pitch, the catcher overthrew the pitcher and F6 fielded the ball and got it to the pitcher. The pitcher takes a couple steps towards home and addresses his catcher:"Just get the f@#$ing ball to me, got it?"
The volume was low, the catcher, batter and I heard it, and as I was contemplating getting involved, I hear, "This is f@#$ing bullsh!t."
I called time and headed for the mound. The pitcher's coach met me there.
"Son, that's enough of that. Any more language that I find that disagreeable will put you at the risk of an ejection. Got it?"
The next half inning, this kid is the second batter. As he settles in the batter's box he turns to the opposing catcher and says, "Your coach is a douche bag."
"TIME!. Coach I need a new's time for this one to leave."
Now that was funny! Thanks for the laugh - what in the world was the stupid kid thinking?????