Originally Posted by NCASAUmp
True, but the sad thing is that the league's director is a spineless wimp who I seriously doubt would back us for removing a "suspected" bat (only based on hearsay) from a player's dugout. I think he tends to favor the players more than the umps.
You don't remove it for hearsay. You remove it for a reason.
Inspect the bat and determine what isn't right and then clearly state, "In my judgment, this bat does not meet the specification of Rule 3.1".
Be sure you have a valid issue/cause. Don't do it out of spite as that will kill ANY credibility an umpire has with the player or league. If the league director has a problem with your action, hand him/her your indicator and wish 'em "good luck". Don't worry, indicators are not that expensive and you can never have too many.