Originally Posted by RPatrino
Garth, you are correct when you state that these problems are evidence of inexperience rather then related to a particular plate stance. I was not blaming the H/T for these problems, just stating from my observations, the problems that do occur frequently for those who do not use the GD.
While number 4 in my list can't be directly cured by the GD, the other 3 certainly are. I began teaching the GD when I was the UIC of my association and in charge of training very young and very inexperieced umpires. They were taught the H/T and many just didn't grasp it. They didn't have the intense instruction that the DC or other professional camps give.
Those problems can arise in any stance. GD, by itself, cures nothing. I've seen worse in some misusing the GD stance.
The key is proper instruction and proper execution of either stance. If you feel more comfortable teaching the GD stance, that's fine.