Originally Posted by phillips.alex
not a balk. You are not deceiving the runner. Just a ball. Don't send the runners under OBR. FED just changed the rule so you can go to the mouth, even on the rubber, as long as the pitcher clearly wipes before going to the ball.
This is incorrect. The fed rule is similar to the OBR, in that the pitcher can only go to mouth outside of 5' of the rubber, and then there needs to be a distinct wipe. If the pitcher is engaged, this is a "Ball" to the batter. The casebook is incorrect and has been discussed liberally on other boards and this one. Call time, indicate and verbalize hand to mouth, ball to the batter and give correct count.
Also, if the pitcher goes to mouth outside area and goes directly to the ball without wiping, this is also a "Ball" to the batter.
Be sure to replace the ball before the next pitch.