Thread: Awarding bases
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Old Sun Apr 22, 2007, 08:17am
ump66 ump66 is offline
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Awarding bases

R1 and R2. Ball was hit in the air behind first base and not an infield fly situation due to F3 and F4 getting a late start on the ball. Ball drops and everyone reaches next base. F4 throws ball into the pitcher wild and ball goes into the dugout. I point to R3 and point home and he proceeds. I point to R2 and point to third and home and he proceeds. I then point to R1 and point to second and third and he only takes second base and stops. In all the confusion on the play the third base coach doesn't notice. Do I force the issue by repeating the award "coaching", or do I make the award once and let it go if he decides not to follow the instruction? This was a JV game.
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