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Old Fri Apr 20, 2007, 12:27pm
PeteBooth PeteBooth is offline
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QUOTE=jkumpire]Now that I have your attention.....

I overheard some conversation that FED will be mandating face protectors for HS batting helmets next year. Is this not a revolting development? We might as well start playing wiffle bal. l


If you have heard this to be true, then by all means talk to your state association and the FED today, this is just bad, bad, bad IMO.


We are umpires who are asked to administer the rules according to the leagues we service.

Who cares if a state mandates the use of face protectors or not. Will it change how we umpire? Will the games last longer because of this new change?

Therefore, how is this just bad, bad, bad

IMO, it's no different than any other change the FED put in place. Ie; the FPSR, bat restrictions, etc.

IMO, the only ones who should care are the players that will have to wear them as it might effect them hitting but that awaits to be seen.

As far as I am concerned, it might add an extra couple of minutes when checking equipment because we will probably have to make certain that the face protector has the proper LOGO etc. on it. If it's part of a "combo" then it will probably not add any extra time checking equipment. Other than that it's play ball.

If the FED put in some kind of rule/regulation that added an extra 1/2 hour to the game then I would care.

Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth

Last edited by PeteBooth; Fri Apr 20, 2007 at 12:29pm.
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