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Old Fri Apr 20, 2007, 12:23pm
justanotherblue justanotherblue is offline
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Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
I'm not sure my generation is responsible for this. I would more likely suspect Gen Xers, or whatever the generation that invented this "Time Out" crap as a deterrent to child misbehavior. It's the modern free-to-be-you-and-me-hug-a-tree-Cumbaya-singing-Volvo-driving-soccer-mom, and as Denny Crane would say, "mamby-pamby" bunch that is responsible for this movement.

LOL... Steve, I too am a baby boomer, I would have to agree, it's those that just don't get it. You have to be responsible for your actions, not sit along the side lines with a lawyer waiting for the chance to pounce. As for the time outer's, that would be baby boomer Dr. Spock. From what I've seen, I would have to say, it doesn't work. Now my dad's belt... that worked very well!
Its' not a matter of being right or wrong, it's a matter of working hard to get it right.
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