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Old Fri Apr 20, 2007, 12:20am
GarthB GarthB is offline
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Originally Posted by ozzy6900
I have an idea! Why not dress up all NHFS baseball players like NHFS football players! Now no one gets hurt because there are pads everywhere. The full helmet can either have a plastic shield or for added protection, a full cage like a line backer! Don't forget those cups - another mandatory item! Oh yes, steel toe cleats so we don't hurt our little footsies! Of course, sliding will be better wearing an a$$ pad, won't it.

What are we coming to? Is this baseball or sissy-ball?
I agree. As umpires, we need to model the behavior we advocate. No more sissy face masks. Dump the chest protectors. Shinguards? Hah, I laugh at your shinguards. Oh, and sandals should do just fine.

To really drive the point home, I disabled my airbags and ripped out my seatbelts. The next time I go skydiving, no helmet or reserve chute for me. I ain't no sissy!
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