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Old Thu Apr 19, 2007, 05:39pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: USA
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Originally Posted by Dakota
Actually, if I remember Mike's comments correctly, they were that there should be no such thing as an ASA profantiy rule, since among other things, it is impossible to define "profanity" in an other than local context. Even regional doesn't always work.

In a strictly local context, however, it can work.
And even then you have umpires going long for a "gotcha".

Even locally, you will have multple opinions and level of enforcement based on one's rearing, religious background, religious background of those around you, embarassment, knowledge of particular players, etc.

Richmond use to have a profanity rule during their big Memorial Day tournament. Any cursing either added an out to your team or gave your opponent an extra out while batting.

One of my teammates hit a drive up the middle. The pitcher (team from NYC) went up for the ball and muttered, "Oh, Christ!". Before the pitcher's feet hit the ground, the umpire (young female) already gave my team a fourth out for that half inning.

Even though our team benefited from the award, I had no problem telling that umpire she was dead wrong and requested she keeps her religious beliefs in check during the remainder of the game. She was tiffed, but since I didn't curse (or, at least, what she considered cursing), there was nothing for her to do.

Since someone is waiting on this one, I am not the language police. Do not bring your family to a competitive adult game in which you KNOW before hand that profanity may be involved and expect the umpire to play the part of your mother. Do not expect others to completely change their ways to accommodate those not participating.

Will I ask a player to keep the volume down? Yep. Will I remind them that others are in the area and may not appreciate his actions? At times.

Will I start threatening players and coaches with outs, ejections and reports for what some may consider questionable language the is not directed at an umpire or another participant in the game. Nope!
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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