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Old Thu Apr 19, 2007, 04:54pm
Rich Ives Rich Ives is offline
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Originally Posted by ozzy6900
I have an idea! Why not dress up all NHFS baseball players like NHFS football players! Now no one gets hurt because there are pads everywhere. The full helmet can either have a plastic shield or for added protection, a full cage like a line backer! Don't forget those cups - another mandatory item! Oh yes, steel toe cleats so we don't hurt our little footsies! Of course, sliding will be better wearing an a$$ pad, won't it.

What are we coming to? Is this baseball or sissy-ball?
Betcha people were called sissies for wearing batting helmets. Should we ban batting helmets, or make them optional?

Bobby Layne called football players sissies for wearing face guards.

Jacques Plante got called a sissy for wearing a goalie mask.

Hockey players used to think it was sissy to wear a helmet. Should we let them take them off?

Heck, players got called sissies for using fielding gloves. The rules makers had to add the " may wear a glove" rules to declare it legal.
Rich Ives
Different does not equate to wrong
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