Thu Apr 19, 2007, 10:34am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 747
Originally Posted by mcrowder
I've always thought that rule 10 was used too heavily by many umpires to add outs where outs are not provided for in the rules. I also think that THIS situation is clear cut enough (and frequent enough) that if the rulesmakers wanted us to call an out on a player ejected during a live ball or while an award was being run off during a dead ball, that they would have put it into the "The runner is out when..." section.
That said, I understand both the motivation and the opinions of those who feel differently.
Unlike the other 2 threads we disagreed on, which were straight-up rule disagreements ... this one, I believe, falls much further into the grey-area in which we both could easily and equally support our decisions to either call an out or not call an out in the situation posted in the OP.
Yes. I agree with you and Dakota.