Originally Posted by Rich Ives
Rules differ so there probably isn't a definitive answer.
Batting Gloves:
OBR: Can't wear one.
LL: Can wear if it is not white, gray, or optic yellow.
FED: Can't be distracting
NCAA: Cannot wear.
Wrist bands:
LL, OBR - cannot wear
FED, NCAA - can't be distracting
Could you point me to a rule reference for batting gloves and wrist
bands being illegal under OBR rules? I've got in my OBR book, under rule 1.11 a(2): Any part of an undershirt exposed to view shall be of a uniform solid colour for all players on a team. Any player other than the pitcher may have numbers, letters, insignia attached to the sleeve of the undershirt.
This rule states that it is illegal for the pitcher to have anything on his sleeve, but it doesn't make specific reference to arm bands or batting gloves, or any other apparel that may be worn. Maybe I'm applying the rules a bit too word for word and should just go with what the intent of the rule is, which is to keep the pitcher from distracting the batter, but my philosophy is for the most part to go with exactly what the rulebook says.