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Old Wed Apr 18, 2007, 05:26pm
AtlUmpSteve AtlUmpSteve is offline
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Mcrowder (or Bretman), help me with this, as I believe you also do baseball and/or, at least baseball rules based softball (Little League, Babe Ruth, Dizzy Dean, Dixie??). Am I incorrect in believing there is an OBR based interpretation that matches the previous statements by those who believed the run scores and end the game?

Not trying to reopen the disagreement, because I am secure in my understanding about softball, that the bases must be touched. Just testing my memory that this is (or may be) another undocumented difference between some flavors of softball. Kind of like whether a batter-runner who has received a base on balls is eligible to safely overrun first base, like any other batter-runner.
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