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Old Wed Apr 18, 2007, 04:28pm
johnnyg08 johnnyg08 is offline
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Originally Posted by mcrowder
No - "travesty of the game" appears exactly once in the rulebook. And it's not under the section called "ridiculously excessive appeals."

PS - some umpires will misunderstand this statement to mean that ANY running of the bases in reverse order is illegal because it makes a travesty of the game. Much the contrary - the rulebook provides for an out if the PURPOSE of the runner running the bases backward was to make a travesty of the game.
If you want to get into a reading and writing would probably win...since this isn't a writing and reading contest...I know that nearly everybody on here realizes the spirit of what I was writing. Other than an appeal situation where a runner would be running the bases backward in an effort to retouch...which we all know...when else, during play, wouldn't running the bases backward be creating a travesty? Also, I can think of a million things as a coach I could do to create a travesty of the game by excessively appealing...therefore, I direct your attention to Rule 9.01 (c) which states: Each umpire has authority to rule on any point not specifically covered in these rules.

While I see your points sir..and yes, I'm not an attorney, journalist, or other professional writer, my writing probably should be more precise...but this isn't a board where we pick apart others' writing, but rather share ideas...if we want to quiz each other on rules and what's written verbatim in the rule book, then let's start a thread and we'll bounce rule questions back and forth until the cows come home.
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