Another type:
What is your requirement to call int. on a batter in the follow senario's
a) R1 stealling, Batter, swings hard at a good pitch "grove ball" and misses, momentum taking him across the plate one or two steps. Catcher throws the balll -- What do you require to rule int on the Batter, Contact, a bad throw or is him being there enough.
b) R1 stealing Batter Swings and misses a nasty outside curveball, and his momentum carries him over the plate in the same manner as above. Catcher throws the balll -- What do you require to rule int on the Batter, Contact, a bad throw or is him being there enough.
In both situations the batter does nothing to duck or make sure he is out of the way.
"It isn't enough for an umpire merely to know what he's doing. He has to look as though he know what he's doing too." - National League Umpire Larry Goetz
"Boys, I'm one of those umpires that misses 'em every once in a while so if it's close, you'd better hit it."