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Old Wed Apr 18, 2007, 02:09pm
mcrowder mcrowder is offline
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Originally Posted by jimpiano
If you take my replies as "bombastic" then I apologize, but they were never intended to be.

I have cited the rules covering the situation as I see it.

If you prefer to honor those appeals at second or third you certainly can, but I never would.
I believe we're trying to be patient with you here ... You've cited rules. Several of us have mentioned that the rules you cited have nothing to do with this situation. Your response? "I've cited the rules." Us: "Those rules don't apply, please cite the rules that do." You: "I've cited the rules."

Give us the rule that supports your case ... or at least explain to us why you think the rules you quoted support your case.

Our honoring of appeals at 2nd and 3rd ARE supported by the rulebook. So why wouldn't you - and what would your defense be when your ruling is protested? Show us ANY ruling that either differentiates between THIRD out forced base appeals at 1st or home, and the same appeal at 2nd or 3rd. Or show us ANY rule that differentiates between apparent game-ending runs and any other run scored during a game. If you can't do either, then your position is indefensible.
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