Say it ain't so...say you have made a mistake in regards to this age thing and move on.
While you are contemplating this...I'll tell you a little story.
I know a guy that STARTED officiating at about age 32. He wanted to stay involved with athletics since he had a Phis. Ed Degree and wasn't Teaching/Coaching anymore. This individual went to camps...watched involved in the local association's board...worked his way up to a full H.S. Varsity schedule...went to several State Tournaments...continues to work out at least 3 to 4 times a week(all year long)...hit his 50th Birthday last June...and was even complimented by a certain individual from Nevada on a recent video that was shown.
I don't think this guy is quite ready to "hang it up" he can probably still contribute to the officiating pool, locally at least.
My suggestion to you, Nevada, is to not limit yourself age wise. You might surprise yourself...and still be able to contribute at the ripe old age of 50.
Dan Ivey
Tri-City Sports Officials Asso. (TCSOA)
Member since 1989
Richland, WA