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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Wed Apr 18, 2007, 01:35pm
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
But you're right, umpires rarely refer to themselves as "the blue." I don't like the term, myself. When addressed as "Hey, Blue," I normally don't answer until about the 3rd or 4th yell. Then I ask if they are talking to me. Most get the hint, but some don't.
I think you're wrong about that - many of the posters here and elsewhere have "blue" in their names. As an umpire, I consider it a sign of respect. They don't know my name and they certainly don't call me "Mr. Umpire". If you want people to call you something in particular, it's YOUR job to tell THEM and not be some smarta$$ asking if they're talking to you. You're an umpire, not a person on a pedestal, so don't act like it. Just remember one thing - THEY ARE YOUR CUSTOMER - not the other way around.
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