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Old Tue Apr 17, 2007, 12:02pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: USA
Posts: 14,565
Originally Posted by Dakota
Never being the shrinking violet type, and willing to come dangerously close to biting the hand that feeds me, I have put up a new editorial on the Softball Umpires web site. Check it out.

Since I am taking advantage of eteamz's generosity in providing a free site, there is no way for people to respond directly to the editorial. So, feel free to respond here if you like.
Well, since Tom expects a reply from me (probably as he was typing it), I will.

The process isn't so much broken as it is the manner in which rule changes are sold.

The batter's box thing was present as "what the players wanted" only to find out later that that group of players was just a small portion from a certain area. Not being umpires, many will go along with a good presentation of reasoning.

The interference issue was submitted by the Supervisor, his deputies and the NUS. Again, not being umpires, many of the council will accept what the "pros" have to say. I spoke against this change in every committee meeting I attended. Did it tick off anyone? Probably, but I'm not there for them or myself. At a couple of committee meetings, I got my point across, but not enough to turn a recommendation of the committee to reject the proposal.
There were also some great discussions on this topic in the hallways, but it would have taken someone of higher consideration than I to persuade enough to change. I will say that no committee overwhelmingly approved these changes and in some cases required more than one vote.

If anything needs to be done to the process, it is to get younger blood in the system. There are too many long-time members who attend for the vacation and not to perform their duties. This leaves a lot of committee work in the hands of a few. Do not get me wrong. Almost everyone with whom I've interacted at these conventions are there for the good of ASA.

Many of you have heard me respond to outsiders here and in other venues that ASA is not an ivory tower corporation with a small group dropping edicts from a lofty ivy-framed window. The problem here is that the smaller the group of active participants becomes, the more it will appear that changes are made to satisfy the few. Many folks have input into the system. The issue is that if you want that input, you need to work for it.

That means getting involved in ASA locally. Work your way up the food chain and get the ear of those in charge. If you have an idea, share it. When an opening occurs in your commissioner's council, staff, whatever, try to win the seat. It does take time and dedication and there isn't the instant gratification so many people demand in today's world. If you have to pay to attend some regional or state events, do it. This ride isn't free.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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