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Old Tue Apr 17, 2007, 09:38am
tcannizzo tcannizzo is offline
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Originally Posted by Dakota
The play has not ended. I'd be out from behind the plate pointing fair until somebody got a clue. If offense gets the clue first, they may have a runner on 1st. If defense, enforce the IP penalty.
I was out in front of the plate, up the line, as a result of trailing the runner, and BU partner was in ready position to make the call at 1B. We both knew there was still a play going on, however I did not point to indicate fair ball . There was no question that it was a fair ball, but in the weirdness of the moment, it did not occur to me to signal a live ball (in hindsight I coulda/shouda).

When B1 passed me up going back to HP, I killed the play. Informed both teams that an IP is a DDB and since neither team chose to make a play, put B1 back up with a 1-0 count.
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