Fed: A BBW is illegal, except for a few exceptions.
NCAA: A BBW is legal, except for a few exceptions.
Fed: The only time a BBW is legal is:
1. In the FBZ by B linemen against A linemen -or- A linemen against B linemen
2. Against the runner (or a player pretending to be the runner) in the process of tackling.
Everything else is illegal.
NCAA: Legal everywhere except:
1. Offensive linemen positioned 7 or more yards outside of the middle offensive lineman cannot block back toward the ball in, behind, or up to 10 yards beyond the NZ. "north-south" blocks are OK
2. Backs positioned outside the normal offensive tackle position cannot block back toward the ball in, behind, or up to 10 yards beyond the NZ. "north-south" blocks are OK
3. #2 applies to backs in motion anywhere, including backs running in place.
4. Team B players cannot block eligible receivers below the waist beyond the NZ or any Team A player behind the NZ if that player is in position to receive a backward pass.
5. No BBW is allowed anywhere by anyone after a COP.
6. No BBW is allowed anywhere by anyone during an entire down where there is a free kick or a scrimmage kick from an SK formation.