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Old Thu Apr 12, 2007, 12:17pm
Uncle Ernie Uncle Ernie is offline
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Posts: 90
Originally Posted by Prince
OBR, no; Fed, depends
Refer to the 2006 NFHS rule change in 8-3-2.
The rule change was not a rule change. It was an editorial change that clarified the obstruction rule. It read, in part, "...When a runner is obstructed while advancing or returning to a base by a fielder who neither has the ball nor is attempting to make a play, or a fielder without the ball fakes a tag, if the runner achieves the base he was attempting to acquire then the obstruction is ignored..."

As I understand it, we didn't have any rule support for ignoring Obstruction. Now we do.

However, this does not change the fact that in FED, you still award one base beyond the base last legally aquired when the obstrution occured.
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