Originally Posted by Steven Tyler
I must be reading something wrong. You say suggesting your partner didn't have his gear might create a stir up. You say you were truthful with the coaches except for reason c. It also sounds as if the coaches accused you of being less than truthful. Are you being truthful now?
There is no right way to do anything wrong.
Don't know what this is about Mr. Tyler -
We chose not to discuss the gear situation, because a coach may know that all umpires should ALWAYS have their gear in the car in case of a no show, injury, etc.
And I feared if I used reason c they may just think we were lazy, which would cause more of a stir up.
And yes, I'm being truthful, why would I lie to a group of umpires abou this?
I understand reason c (i have someplace to be tonight) may have been good enough for the coaches, but it also may not have been and prompted more questions (what do you have to do? etc.) The point was that it wasn't my game that they wanted covered, which was the message we gave.
Kapeesh? (spelling?)