I'll also post a war story from my minor league days:
Indians affiliate at Mets affiliate...there is no history of bad blood between the teams.
Bottom of the 6th, 2 outs, no runners (and we are sailing along with a pitcher's duel), the Indians' pitcher let one get away and he beaned the Met's batter. (Found out later that it broke his jaw). It was clearly unintentional...and clearly a case of a young pitcher trying to learn to pitch on the professional level.
Next batter comes up and quickly grounds into a fielder's choice.
Between innings I made the mental note. I even told the Mets' catcher that it was unintentional and don't let your guy throw at anyone.
We'll the very first pitch in the top of the 7th went off the batter's helmet. As my father (who was sitting in the stands) said after the game, "you could see the pitcher lining it up."
I came out and before the batter could even get up and dust himself off, I tossed the pitcher. The batter got up and starting yelling at the pitcher and pitcher starting yelling back. I grabbed the batter and starting yelling at the batter, "Don't be stupid, he's already been tossed, go to first." I had to yell it 3 or 4 times, before the batter finally heard me and looked at me and started toward first. I walked up the line between the batter and pitcher.
At the same time other players were beginning to come out of their dugouts. I yelled, "If I see anyone out of the dugout its a $100 fine." They all turned around and scurried back into the dugout. ($100 was the minor league fine for leaving the dugout for a fight and $100 is a lot to a minor leaguer).
My partner came down the first base line and walked the batter the rest of the way to first, and the pitcher left. As the new pitcher was warming up, I turned loudly to each dugout and said, "that's your warning."
The Indians' manager came out and quietly asked, "you didn't think our guy threw intentionally at them, did you?"
I said, "no, but their guy definitely threw at your guy so now you both get warnings."
He said, "o.k. No problem."
In perhaps the proudest moment I've ever had on a field, the next batter as he was entering the batter's box (after the pitcher had completed his warm-ups) turned to me and said, "Its nice to finally have someone in charge out here."
The game finished without further incident.