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Old Wed Apr 11, 2007, 04:40pm
JoeTheRef JoeTheRef is offline
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Originally Posted by REFVA
I looked at it about 10 times and the slow mo basically tells me it was more like two steps, i didn't think it was one step. Other than the screen being behind her I would go with no call, then I also think there was a little academy award on the fall. SO I go with not call.. and in most cases the less experienced officials will blow the whistle and go with a illegal screen. JMO
At first you didn't think it was one step, but after looking at it 10 times in slow motion you decided it was "more" like 2 steps and you came to the conclusion that the less experienced official, in a real live game, with a split second to make a call will blow the whistle and go with an illegal screen. So in essence your saying that the "experience" comes with watching plays 10+ times at slow motion?

Many of us have a no-call, but if some of us did have a call or have to get a call(during live action) we probably can go either way and the debate in this thread just about says so. Unfortunately some of us less experienced officials don't have the luxury of looking at the call 10+ times in slow mo to come up with a call. In live action, this would probably would've been a tough call, and for you to assume that if one makes the I/S call he's less expereinced is asinine.
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