Originally Posted by bob jenkins
That's the right rule reference, but now I'm confused. In your previous post, you said "she only had one step". Now, you say she wasn't allowed her step. Whichever it is will determine the "right" ruling -- and mabe the calling official missed it -- s/he didn't have the advantage of the replay.
Originally Posted by CoachP
I argued it was a blind screen from behind and she only had one step.
Bob, that's what I typed.....boy did that come out wrong at 7 am.
Blue was using her "one step" as the screen was set. And yes, slo mo has it's advantages, maybe I can upload it at full speed when I get home tonight and let you guys look at game speed.
But also what I am hearing (in the responses) is "no call" or "illegal screen". At what point (what has to happen) for the "no call" to change to "illegal screen"?
For all the "illegal screen" responses, if #40 blue goes
thru gold in this clip, is it still an illegal screen?