Originally Posted by Sal Giaco
Originally Posted by PeteBooth
Judging by the video, I would say that the batted ball was deflected by the pitcher and not "misplayed or booted". The only shot the pitcher really had to field the ball is after he ran it down at the end of the play when the collision/contact occured. I guess we could go on forever on this... let's just wait to see what Paranto and the NCAA rule and go from there.
Sal not only do I want to hear the final ruling from the NCAA but it would be intersting to see how the PROS would rule as well.
In any event not to change the subject but this thread should be the "spring board" for all threads. We had different views supported by different intepretations and no "flame wars" just good old fashion baseball talk which is what the discussion Forums should be all about.
Pete Booth