I hate to derail this thread even further but it seems to be already quickly spiraling.
Originally Posted by bkbjones
But don't think it's just a few baseball umpires. Ran into two BB umpires the other day, both of whom I worked with in HS basketball this year. BUT, since they were now BB umpires, they couldn't dare talk to a couple of softball umps
I'm sorry to see that, unfortunately egos aren't limited to one sport. When I joined ASA, after being a baseball ump for about 5 years, I caught a lot of crap from my fellow softball umpires because I chose to work both sports.
After a few years of doing softball I decided to go back to just baseball. It wasn't anything major, I just prefered working baseball games. It's what I know best and the game I grew up loving. I've met a lot of great people on both sides and I respect the job of a softball umpire, I know it's not easy.
FWIW, I've found softball fans in my area were louder and more obnoxious (ASA girl's fastpitch) yet I never had cause to eject a softball coach.
Just my $0.02.